Review: Rear Assets Medium Heart Plug

In all honesty, the Rear Assets Medium Plug is not the kind of toy I’d choose for myself. My preferences when it comes to anal toys general skew larger and in soft silicone, and while there are exceptions (I love the two metal plugs I do have on occasion), the Rear Assets plug is a little more cutesy than I’d normally go for. But that in itself is why I wanted to try and review it! While it’s not necessarily my cup of tea, this style of plug is something I’ve had a lot of people ask about, and I would love to be able to have a product to point to (or inversely, to warn against!).

First off, let’s talk about the style of this plug. The plug that I have- in rose gold and with a pink gem– isn’t the only plug of this style available in the Rear Assets line, with other plugs available in this rose gold metal with clear gemstones, or rainbow gemstones. There’s also versions of plug with the same variation in gemstones, but with a rainbow coloured metal instead. Overall though, they have the same kind of style; a teardrop shaped body, a narrow stem, and a heart shaped based. I came of age when Tumblr was a major social media platform and before it banned NSFW content, and these plugs are very reminiscent of the whole ‘princess plug’ trend that was going on on the cute/ddlg side of NSFW Tumblr. It was a scene I only very briefly dipped my toes into (and mostly because it felt a lot more beginner friendly than the kink scenes I’m now into), but I do love the throwback vibe! Reminds me of my ill spent youth.

However, an issue with this style of plug I was aware of even back during my NSFW Tumblr years and something I wanted to look at the Rear Assets Medium Plug in the context of is the base design. I’ve talked a bunch about how I much prefer T bar bases on this blog in the past, and while part of that is a comfort thing (the long base fits between buttcheeks far more easily and doesn’t chafe them) another is safety. The bulb-to-base ratio on ‘princess plugs’ tends to be quite low, which in combination with round bases does introduce the risk of the plug slipping inside. The general rule of thumb is that the base should be at least as wide as the bulb, although a larger base is more ideal.

When it comes to the Medium Rear Assets Plug? The base is juuust the same size as the widest point of the bulb. It’s definitely not ideal, and I think it puts it on thin ice.

However- and this is a big however- I do think the idea that all plugs with a base the same size as the body can easily slip in with any kind of pressure isn’t quite true. I think the wearer’s body also comes into play here. If you have to struggle to insert the bulb, your ass is just not going to involuntarily dilate enough to swallow the base. Like, it just isn’t. If you’re used to much larger plugs than the Medium Rear Assets Plug (which, RIP, I am- more on this in a sec) I do think the risk of losing the entire plug up your butt is legitimate. But if you’re such a beginner that taking the widest point of the bulb is a struggle? Then I think the risk is still present, but it’s minimal. But personally? I would not take that risk. If you’re sold on a metal plug, then I’d point you to the Njoy Pure Plug, and if you’re sold on a gem plug, I’d point you to the Icicles No. 78.

So what was my experience with the Medium Rear Assets Plug, given I’m somewhat experienced with anal play? Well, in the good news, it did not shoot up my ass when I came. In the bad news, I found it did the opposite and shout out of my ass when I came with it inside me. I did find it a little too small to give me much feeling or pleasure, and while the weight of it was nice, I also found the more rounded base chaffed my butt when I wore the plug for long periods of time. The only thing I found it really worked for for me was just decoration for nudes. I’ve honestly found more use for it as butt jewellery than as a sex toy, which isn’t really a great testimony.

Overall, I think the Medium Rear Assets Plug is beautiful, but I wouldn’t recommend it. While it could be a safe plug for some bodies and users, it’s too much of an edge case for me to review positively. Again, if you’re sold on a metal plug, then I’d point you to the Njoy Pure Plug, if you’re sold on a gem plug, I’d point you to the Icicles No. 78, if you’re sold on the weightless of metal, I’d point you to the Snug Plug 1, and if you just want a small beginner’s butt plug, I’d point you to something like the Firefly Prince.

The Rear Assets Rose Gold and Pink Plug is available from Betty’s Toy Box for $14.99

This product was sent to me by Betty’s Toy Box, in return for a fair and impartial review. Affiliate links were used in this post.