The Satisfyer Curvy 1+ lying on a rainbow towel

Review: Satisfyer Curvy 1+

The Satisfyer Curvy 1+ is not my favourite toy I’ve ever reviewed. It’s not even my favourite toy I’ve reviewed in 2020. But I will say one thing for it- playing around with the Satisfyer Curvy 1 is the most fun I’ve ever had working on a review. Ever.

The Satisfyer Curvy 1+ in the author's hand, held upwards to show the buttonsThe Satisfyer Curvy 1+ (and the Satisfyer Double Joy, which I am far less fond of) arrived at my flat unsolicited, and to start with I was pretty sure I wasn’t even going to bother reviewing them. I’ve apparently become the kind of ungrateful bastard who finds unsolicited free vibrators annoying, turns out. In the three years I’ve been blogging, I’ve tried out enough of Satisfyer’s offerings that at this point they feel kinda same-y to me. While some are more or less strong than others and some models fit my anatomy more than others[ref]I’ve been on testosterone HRT for 5+ years and have bottom growth, so toys made for cis women don’t always fit me[/ref], they basically all do the same thing; they use pulses of air to simulation suction.

I first used the Satisfyer Curvy 1+ just on its own, and my reaction was pretty much what I expected. It sure is an air pulsation toy. The main differences I noticed between the Curvy 1+ and the older Satisfyer models I own is that the Curvy 1+ is noticeably quieter. Other than that? I had very little to say. If pressed, I’d say that it was the best of the lower priced offerings from Satisfyer, slightly more expensive than the Satisfyer Pro 2 or Satisfyer Pro Traveler, but worth the extra cost for the quietness of it. Pressed more than that, all I’d be able to say is that the ‘nozzle’ of the Curvy 1+ is deeper and more textured, making it a more comfortable option for those with significant bottom growth from taking testosterone. Or at least, that was all I had to say before using the Satisfyer Connect app that the Curvy 1+ is usable with.

I was never really one for smart toys before the pandemic. I’m still not really a big fan of them in general. But one D/s scene involving my We-Vibe Wand and remote control earlier this year has warmed me to them, and I was at least willing to download the Satisfyer Connect app to see what kind of functionality it could add. And honestly? It was so much fun.

I have a Twitter thread showing some of the Satisfyer Connect app functionality, if that interests you.

The Satisfyer in the author's handSo, as a disclaimer, the only app controlled toy I’ve had experience with prior to the Satisfyer Curvy 1+ is the We-Vibe Wand. And I vastly prefer the Satisfyer app to the We-Vibe one. Despite the handful of negative reviews for it on the Google Play Store, I haven’t run into any issues connecting my Curvy 1+ to the app. The Satisfyer Connect had a few features that I liked off the bat; it allowed me to connect to more than one Satisfyer device at once (I’m non-monogamous, and it’s fantastic to see sex tech that doesn’t assume all people interested in playing with it are monogamous couples), the layout felt far more intuitive, and I liked having the option to not sign into an account if I was only engaging in short distance play with my phone.

Do the features the app offers make orgasm easier or more likely? For me, no. I’ve always been a pretty avid hater of patterns and I do maintain that I find it nearly impossible to get off with vibration patterns. But not being able to get off with them doesn’t mean I can’t find them fun and with the Satisfyer Connect app, I really have found a way to make them fun. The app has options for controlling vibration patterns based on ambient noise or music, and I had so much fun with these. Intensity is controllable separately to the pattern, so if you can’t take intense vibration or inversely (and like me!) need intense vibration, that’s not a concern.

But even if they don’t help with orgasm, they’re so fun. Like, SO fun. It might not have helped me get near orgasm, but playing with the Satisfyer App is the most fun experience I’ve had testing a toy in a long while. I ended up asking a bunch of friend group chat what the most funny songs to try out the music feature were, and ended up using it with (in no particular order): Sandstorm by Darude, Pussy Talk by City Girls, and Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley. Also, because I am the person I am, I had to say the words “This is so sad. Alexa play Despacito.”[ref]Actually, it was Google Home, but the joke isn’t as funny if I say ‘Hey Google’.[/ref]

So all in all? I really loved playing with the Satisfyer Curvy 1+. In fact, it’s the most fun I’ve ever had playing with a toy. If you’re just looking for a Satisfyer model to bring you to orgasm, the Satisfyer Curvy 1+ is a little more expensive than some alternatives—go for the Pro 2 or Pro Traveler imo, they do pretty much the same in terms of orgasm delivery—but if the idea of the app compatibility sounds like your kind of thing? Then fuck yeah, I’d say it’s worth it!

Buy the Satisfyer Curvy 1+ from Self & More for £45, or SheVibe for $49.95

This toy was sent to me by Satisfyer, but without the expectation of a review. Affiliate links were used in this post.